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Int 64  - Extended Batch LANguage V3.14+                                   [r]

   AH = function
       00h to 5Fh chained to previous handler
       60h to 6Ch reserved, return immediately
       80h to FFh chained to previous handler
       6Dh (v4.01+) insert tone in queue
       AL = ???
       CX = frequency in Hertz
       DL = duration in clock ticks

       Return: AL = 00h if note stored
              = 01h if no room to store
       6Eh clear ??? counter/flag
       6Fh return counter/flag that AH=6Eh clears
       70h ???
       AL = ???
       71h ???
       AL = ???
       72h ???
       73h insert byte at end of keyboard buffer
       AL = byte to insert

       Return: AL = 00h if byte inserted
              = 01h if no room to store
       74h insert byte at front of keyboard buffer
       AL = byte to insert

       Return: AL = 00h if byte inserted
              = 01h if no room to store
       75h ???
       76h get keyboard "stack" status
       AL = 'K' if kbd read will read physical keyboard
            'S' if it will read EBL internal keyboard buffer
       AH = ???
       77h clear internal keyboard buffer
       78h ???
       AL = ???
       79h ???
       7Ah ???
       AL = ???
       7Bh ???
       AL = ???
       7Ch ???
       AL = ???
       7Dh ???
       AL = ???
       7Eh clear buffer for ???
       7Fh installation check

       Return: CX = version in BCD
           DI = segment of ???
           BX = segment of next program's PSP???
Program: Extended Batch Language is a batch-file enhancer by Seaware

Notes: the chaining does not check whether the interrupt had been hooked
     before, so if you try to chain when the previous vector was
     0000h:0000h, you'll be in trouble
   functions 72h and 7Ah-7Dh appear to be interfaces to the optional
     floating-point and extended function packages
Index: installation check;EBL|installation check;Extended Batch Language

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